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UN Meeting and Duck Comments following

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UN Meeting and Duck Comments following Empty UN Meeting and Duck Comments following

Post  MamaEhrhardt Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:25 pm

UNSC Meeting Set to Begin:
AmbassadorRice Pleased to welcome VP Biden to #UN Security Council today. He'll preside at important session taking steps to restore #Iraq's int'l status.
Biden says he has chaired the unsc before...but nothing this big!

draft resolution 1958 is passed 14-1 (1958 terminate oil for food)
draft resolution 1957 is unanimously passed (resolution 1957 is in regard wmd's))
draft resolution 1956 is unanimously passed (1956 extends dfi to june 2011 )

biden explains what is expected from a future iraq..welcome the positive news coming from iraq. biden begins reading the 3 resolutions ; unsc welcomes iraq into international relations. unsc gives full support to iraq and its people.

biden: iraq is on the cusp of something remarkable ; Biden says UNSC supports further comittments between iraq and kuwait ; Bident: describes why each resolution has passed. says iraq has met the IAEA standards ; biden jokingly says he deserves iraqi citizenship for as much time he has spent in the country ; biden reflects on the steps iraq has taken to get to this point in history ; biden....iraq government must in a timely manner form ; Biden...all three resolutions pass ; biden speaks as role of vp of the usa.....says he is proud to chair this event. says iraq is stoodfast in becoming a sovereign country.

moon: iraq still has obligations.. unsc desires a government position on IAEA. ; sec general describes what the future iraq should do to be a good neighbor in the world ; Full normalization will require iraq-kuwait comittment agreement ; Sec Moon: Iraq has suffered too much for too long

zebari: budget will be addressed by parliament soon ;: iraq look forward to hcl law passage in parliament soon ;: chapter 7 release will allow economic progress ;: kuwait issues will be parliaments objective to complete the comittment ;: iraq still has issues with kuwait. ;: Ch7 delay release was due to government formation delays ; continues with letter reaffirming their accomplishments. thanking the unsc for its recognition and passage of three resolutions ;: reads letter to unsc regarding WMD and Atomic issues. This Iraq is different from Sadaams iraq ;: iraq will host arab summit in 2011 ;: government of iraq will for imminently, formed very very soon. with power sharing ; extends thanks to key leaders and members

france: iraq is emerging from chapter 7

lebanon: approves dfi extension ; Lebanon: iraq is no longer a threat to peaceful world ; Lebanon welcome these new events

china: welcomes chapter 7 release resolutions;

russia: today most of ch 7 is lifted from iraq. we welcome this process. still lots to do...human rights, security

japan hopes for continued friendship between iraq and Kuwait; japan pays honor to vp biden for calling this high level meeting for iraq

uk: int'l community will now watch iraq-kuwait relations. specifically borders;: hcl law is a priority for Iraq; uk: the elections in march proved progress in march. formation is in sight. urge iraqi leaders to continue; this is a momentus day for iraq

austria asks iraq to reaffirm on res 833 (borders)

brazil believes iraq will be a prosperous nation

gabon concludes by giving UNAMI thanks for its efforts in Iraq; agrees with dfi extension. hopes iraq to manage this well; congratulates zebari on iraqs achievement

bosnia expects iraq-kuwait issues to be persued; supports dfi extension; supports lifting some of sanctions of iraq; wants iraq parliament to seek IAEA certification; pleased to hear iraqi leaders have agreed to form govt; bosnia: is pleased to acknowledge iraqs sovereignty. s concerned about terrorism within country

turkey: iraq is a secure and soon prosperous country ; turkey: kuwait issues are demarcation of borders, missing persons, missing property; it is high time iraq to return to international community and be released from ch 7. iraq still needs to address kuwait issues ; turkey: stands committed to aiding iraq ; hopes iraqi government will soon be formed

uganda: todays events is a milestone in iraq history ;


1:35 PM [duck2000] ok now we have three resoultions they passed
1:36 PM [duck2000] one on the iaea wmds
1:36 PM [duck2000] one on the oil and food
1:37 PM [duck2000] and one on the dfi funds that one is done dec31st only protection of money for six months
1:37 PM [mochasmom] unsc lifts sanctions on iraq, fox ticker
1:37 PM [duck2000] chapter 7 is where our money is tied up
1:38 PM [duck2000] that one is not done untill we have the pm offical and voted on his cabinet
1:38 PM [csd.9013] and ch 7 has been lifted, correct?
1:38 PM [duck2000] no chapter 7 is not lifted
1:40 PM [duck2000] they need to get vote of confidence and then sign off on HCL FIL AND KUWAIT files
1:40 PM [dodyb] csd this may help UN Security Council voted on Wednesday, unanimously to raise the majority of the sanctions imposed on Iraq under Chapter VII
1:40 PM [duck2000] pm=r/v i wasnt be flipped
1:44 PM [duck2000] as soon as the goi gets soemthings done
1:44 PM [MartyChubbs] do they need another UNSC meeting to lift it?
1:45 PM [duck2000] yes they do
1:45 PM [ultraflh1] so its still eoy then huh
1:45 PM [yancy] thanks duck
1:45 PM [duck2000] they do
1:45 PM [sassy] they still meeting friday mocha
1:45 PM [MartyChubbs] after the 17th?
1:45 PM [MrsTa] i thought we already had an official announcement on maliki
1:45 PM [duck2000] 'yes it will be done close to end of year
1:45 PM [duceduce2] hmmm not much time to meet between now and eoy
1:45 PM [steven527] Would it be safe to say that the earliest time for an RV will be Sunday 26th of December?
1:45 PM [charlie] so they will hve to convene this group gain?
1:45 PM [noced71] so they are meeting fri, wouldn't it be funny if GOI was all done on Friday?
1:45 PM [duck2000] no noced
1:46 PM [sassy] darn
1:46 PM [noced71] 2 DAYS!
1:46 PM [dodyb] Who is meeting on friday duck???
1:46 PM [duck2000] unsc and iraq and kuwait
1:47 PM [duck2000] as soon as we get pm
1:47 PM [Spartan117] does obama have anything to do with this?? or is it out of his hands, like if he wanted to stop it
1:47 PM [duck2000] he cannot stop it
1:47 PM [duck2000] needs vote of confidence
1:49 PM [charlie] so govt formed and they do what they have to re:bills and Kuwait, does Iraq hve to wait for the unsc to reconvene and lift 7 completely?
1:50 PM [duck2000] yes we are very close
1:51 PM [Twinkie] Duck did evertthinh go the way you wanted/expected it today?
1:51 PM [dodyb] and this will happen when he finishes his cabinet???
1:51 PM [Twinkie] everything
1:51 PM [charlie] sorry to hve the need for specific opinion on this .... we wtch Iraq do govt, deal with Kuwait, do they have to go back to the unsc before rving or can they rv without all of 7 being lifted
1:51 PM [duck2000] yes twikie exactlly
1:51 PM [supersoul] Doesn't it make sense that with today's outcome that vote of confidence is just a formality and basically assured
1:56 PM [OWL] That's all I copied
1:56 PM [cajunmama] becareful lauree
1:56 PM [mollie'sdaughter] i have chat copied...will clean up and post
1:56 PM [TheManiacalRN] tons of earmarks attached to the bill that senate passed
1:57 PM [MrsTa] my brain hurt's!!!
1:57 PM [OWL] mollie'sdaughter gooood girl!
1:57 PM [MartyChubbs] OK, i can't take faith in politics or the corrupt leaders we have in power, but the CBI did say they were removing the zeros before the end of the year. I am looking for that action. This chapter 7 and GOI are open for interpretation...the redenomination is a more concrete for me to focus on.
2:12 PM [Carol D] duck is there any chance at all for an rv before eoy?
2:12 PM [duck2000] allways a chance
2:12 PM [Carol D] duck is there any chance at all for an rv before eoy?
2:12 PM [duck2000] allways a chance
2:12 PM [Carol D] good then I'm going to stay positive on that
2:12 PM [duck2000] on bills and kuwait
2:12 PM [Carol D] well i hope they do it all by this w/e
2:13 PM [steven527] Is it fair to say that the earliest chance of an RV will be Sunday December 26th?
2:13 PM [dodyb] I thought kuwait was done duckie???
2:13 PM [duck2000] needs offical signing is all
2:13 PM [duck2000] needs nmaliki
2:13 PM [duck2000] signuture
2:13 PM [duck2000] at bottom
2:14 PM [Carol D] that article that said goi by next tues i hope is wrong and will be sooner
2:14 PM [duck2000] thats why i kept saying pm=r/v
2:14 PM [steven527] Even if the GOI finishes Friday wont it take some short amount of time to pass the HCL?
2:14 PM [duck2000] to see where the goi is at
2:15 PM [duck2000] cross the i s and dot the t s
2:15 PM [mollie'sdaughter] wonder if they will hold the vote of confidence before friday's meeting?
2:15 PM [mollie'sdaughter] sure would be nice
2:16 PM [duck2000] HCL is ready now just needs signiture
2:16 PM [Matt Bluhm] so we wait for the next meeting?
2:16 PM [duck2000] yes
2:16 PM [kristybis4] there is a reason why they din't have the goi already done today, ....IMO
2:16 PM [dodyb] vote of confidence is the hold up due to still putting together cabinet?????
2:17 PM [sassy] yes there is kristy
2:17 PM [duck2000] 'our great frind allawi
2:18 PM [steven527] is Iraq going to meet the IMF deadline for the RV date that was set a few months ago?
2:18 PM [duck2000] yes steven
2:19 PM [dodyb] okay so does anyone know where we stand on Mal and company???? Cabinet
2:19 PM [mollie'sdaughter] the ride is almost over
2:19 PM [citygirl] can you share the date, steven?
2:19 PM [steven527] We don't know the date...Only that the IMF set one
2:20 PM [duck2000] dates arnt important what is ...getting the pm and cabinet set


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Age : 60
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